Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Savanna

My baby girl is 4 already!?! Savanna is my sweet, loving, tender hearted, smarty pants, love of my life princess. We are best buds and I am not sure what I would do without her! She loves to dance, sing, play with her friends, play the violin and help mommy with naughty little brother! Miss Savanna is quite a busy girl. She goes to pre school 3 days a week , dance 2 days a week, violin 2 days a week and somewhere between all of that she still finds time to enjoy being a 4 year old. She still loves chocolate milk and I am convinced she could moo if she wanted to! Like any typical girl, she loves chocolate and could eat cheese and wheat thins all day long... that or a bowl of cereal! She is really into fashion... she will be totally honest with you and tell you how pretty you look, or how much she just LOVES your shoes... but on the flip side she has no problem letting you know she doesn't like your hair or outfit you are wearing! Her favorite show is Max and Ruby and Toy Story. She is incredibly excited for Santa to come and bring her EVERYTHING! And when I say everything, I mean everything she sees... she seriously asks for anything and everything that looks fun! She is a true girly girl... loves to wear pretty dresses with princess shoes, paint her finger and toe nails pretty purple or pink with flowers! All in all, she is the sweetest little girl with the most contagious laugh and smile you will ever meet! I adore her and my life would not be complete with out her. Savanna, I love you! Happy happy birthday!

Birthday girl and little brother
We had a family party the morning of Savannas birthday so lucky her, she got to chat with Santa nice and early about all the "things" she wants! This is Savanna and her cousin Josie.
These are most of the cousins on the Mitchell side... few of the older ones missing. They all love each other and play so well together!
After the family party, we rushed home to get ready for the big friend party. We did a princess day spa... all the girls got to make princess crowns, get their nails painted and make up done.
These are 2 of Savannas very best friends... Katie and Liv. These 3 girls live in the same circle and love to play play play!
Playing ring around the rosie
Musical princess chairs. This was pretty funny! We would clap and give the girls a starburst when they got out, so they wouldn't feel bad... pretty soon, the girls wanted to get out so everyone would cheer for them and they could get a treat!
Katie was such a help in opening presents! (so was little brother)
This year we started a new tradition of a special Sunday dinner for the birthday girl/boy. This is a dinner for just grandparents and us. I seriously spent all day in the kitchen cooking but we sure had some yummy food! Savanna was in heaven that we had yet another party in her honor! This is her counting her candles, making sure all 4 were there!
She was in a very "posing" mood... You can't help but smile when you see these! (oh and please ignore the outfit... she wanted to wear "comfy" clothes and at the time, Makade was bugging her so she picked the shirt that stated her brother was driving her crazy)
Pose 1
Pose 2
Pose 3
And finally Pose 4 aka "surprise pose"!
Showing off her new Tinkerbell earrings
Auntie reading her card

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