Sunday, September 5, 2010

Last Recital... sniff, sniff

Clear back in June, I had my piano/vocal recital. It seriously makes me emotional just writing about it! Josh and I have gone back and forth about my teaching. It has been such a blessing for my family, but mostly for ME. Lets face it, I have LOVED teaching. Being able to share my passion and love for music, with sweet young kids is THE BEST! Over the past year I have cut back and cut back... started with 45 students and ended with 9. But, the past 6 months things have gotten a little crazy with my kids. I felt like the last few months of teaching I changed my schedule more than I had in 5 years. And that was just not fare for my students. So after talking it over, Josh and I decided it was best to stop teaching. I think my 1st phone call I cried the entire time. It didn't get much easier, but as least I could carry on an actual conversation! Thankfully all the parents and kids were all so understanding... made it a little easier. I will miss teaching terribly. But it will be very nice to not have to worry about trying to switch and rearrange my schedule! I can proudly say I am a full time mom and I love it! To my sweet sweet loving students... I will miss you so much. Thank you for teaching me probably more than I ever taught you. Each of you are amazing in your own way I am grateful I had the opportunity to teach you something you can carry with you FOREVER!
Here are the darlings at my last recital.

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